For an appointment at any of our clinics, please call 415-339-8813. If you have a life threatening emergency, you should go to the closest emergency room or call 911.
After Hours Calls
Patients calling 415-339-8813 after hours of operation will be connected to our answering service and directed, if needed, to the on-call practitioner or nursing line for clinical advice. If any patient needs to speak with a MCHWC on-call physician or medical provider, the answering service can connect the patient to our on-call provider.
24-Hour Advice Numbers for Medi-Cal
Partnership Health Plan (PHP) members should call the PHP Advice Nurse Line at 866-778-8873.
San Francisco Health Plan (SFHP) members should call the SFHP Nurse Help Line at 877-977-3397.
The Advice Nurse is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can use this free service for all medical questions, whether you’re not sure if you should go to the emergency room, or if you have a medical question that can’t wait until the next business day. This service is free of charge and available in most languages. Please have your Medi-Cal PHP/SFHP information available when you call.
Patient Feedback
We pride ourselves on your good care. Please share feedback on your health and wellness experience in this confidential patient survey.
Clinic Locations
For site or department information, please see our Locations page.
Medical Inquiries
We can only respond to medical requests through our confidential Patient Portal or by phone at 415-339-8813. Patients may contact their doctor, dentist or ask another healthcare question through our Patient Portal page.
Medication Refills
Although we are happy to assist you during regular hours if you are having difficulties with a prescription refill, we ask that you please call your pharmacy first for routine refill requests. Even if your medication bottle shows “no refills,” the pharmacist can contact us directly so we can approve your routine refill. This is the most efficient way to refill medications as we have a direct electronic connection to your pharmacy; and helps to keep our phone lines clear for other patient needs.
Other (Non-Urgent Non-Medical) Inquiries
Please use this form for general inquiries ONLY. (Do NOT send any confidential info by email.) For medical questions, please call us at 415-339-8813.
For a current list of opportunities in healthcare careers, please see our Careers page.