Our Impact

2021 brings an exciting milestone for Marin City Health and Wellness Center with a brand new location at 100 Philips Drive scheduled to break ground in 2021. Our new center will provide medical, dental, behavioral health, recovery services and more. The new facility will also leverage the use of modern technology for providing care to all in our community. 

Our Work—Recent Highlights

  • Brand New Philips Drive located scheduled to break ground in 2021
  • Mobile Dental Unit partnership begins with Sausalito School District.
  • Women’s Center in San Rafael scheduled to open and serve patients in 2021.
  • 2020 Marin City Health and Wellness hires CEO Harold Wallace, MPH
  • Opened a satellite clinic in San Francisco’s Bayview Hunters Point neighborhood serving a community of 34,000. (More at bayviewclinic.org.)
  • Established the Medication Assisted Treatment program for the recovery from opioid and alcohol addiction. Our MAT program has received statewide and national attention for success in addressing the opioid crisis.
  • Provided innovative pain and stress management programs through chiropractic care and a 12-week recovery support group for those choosing alternatives to pain meds.
  • In 2020, 5,000 unique patients received medical, dental, behavioral health, recovery services, health education and chronic disease management.

Our Story—Black Health Inequities

MCHWC was founded by a grassroots effort to serve those experiencing poor health outcomes and lack of access to healthcare, especially African Americans, residents of public housing and the homeless. Our patients represent all ethnicities and ages, but most deal every day with Social Determinants of Health – the reality is that their zip code has a greater impact on personal health than their genetic code.