Serving your health during Coronavirus risk

Moments From Our Mobile Mammogram Event

If you are sick, please call us before walking into one of our health clinics, so we can plan for your visit: 415.339.8813.

UPDATE 3/23: Marin City now has a dedicated Health and Human Services hotline: Call 415-359-3135 for community food distribution locations, and resources for public assistance, older adults, Medi-Cal/CalFresh/CalWorks, or visit (Messages will be returned within 24 hours.) In order to comply with the mandatory Marin County shelter in place order, the Marin City Health & Wellness Center will remain open. However, we will be using a variety of methods to provide care in the safest way possible. This means all patients will be screened prior to scheduled visits (no walk in’s please) and provided services by phone or telehealth when possible. At this time, we are taking extra precautions to keep our patients and staff safe. We are also working very closely with our health care partners and public health department with regard to COVID-19 (Coronavirus).  Below, we share some of the steps and processes Marin City Health and Wellness Center, Bayview Hunters Point Clinic, and Marin Family Birth Center are implementing to help protect our patients and staff, as well as some information about COVID-19 and what you can do to protect yourself and those around you.

We recommend in-person visits only for urgent care or essential primary care:

  • Medical visits are available by phone or Telehealth. Log into your patient portal or call us at 415.339.8813 for information.
  • All preventative dental appointments are canceled. For a dental emergency, call us at 415.339.8813.
  • All behavioral health patients are being served by phone visits, instead of in-person visits.
  • Medication Assisted Treatment groups are canceled. If you need a Suboxone or Vivitrol prescription renewed, call us at 415.339.8813.
  • All chiropractic visits have been canceled.
  • The weekly Food Pharmacy is canceled. Contact Xyxa Andres for information on food delivery options.

We are doing these things to protect your health:

  • All patients are being screened by phone prior to visits and once again upon arrival at the health center. Patients who are seen at the health center are asked come alone whenever possible and to wear a mask per health department orders.
  • Using telephone and/or our new Telehealth program for medical phone visits, instead of in-person visits.
  • Adding phone appointments with behavioral health providers to help our community manage fear and anxiety during this difficult time.
  • We are adding more signage to emphasize the use of masks (when necessary) and good hand hygiene.
  • Sanitation stations with alcohol-based hand sanitizer are available throughout the health center.
  • Throughout our health center, we are using a hospital-grade cleaning solution for all facility cleaning needs.
  • We have increased cleaning procedures to clean all surfaces after every patient appointment.
  • We are committed to continually following updates and protocols suggested by the CDC and Marin Health and Human Services to best ensure the safety of our communities

What you can do to keep yourself, family and friends well—and what we have asked our employees to do:

  • Frequently wash your hands using hot, soapy water for 20 seconds (the length of the Happy Birthday song)—this is the best way to control transmission, especially:
    • Before eating;
    • After going to the bathroom;
    • After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
  • If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Stay home except for essential activities.
  • Social distancing. Stay six feet or more away from others.
  • When it is necessary to go out, wear a mask or other face covering over your nose and mouth.
  • Avoid touching your face (mouth, eyes, nose).
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home away from everyone (including family members) if you feel sick or have recently been exposed to some who is ill or has traveled to a geographic area with widespread or sustained community transmission. If you are ill or exposed to someone who is ill, please call us at 415.339.8813 to find out about the county’s testing options. Most viral infections (including the flu and COVID) resolve on their own with adequate fluid intake, rest and fever control. There is no specific treatment for COVID-19. Please do not come to the clinic without an appointment: you may put others at risk.

If you are over the age of 65 or have a chronic condition such as heart disease, lung disease, or diabetes, please take the following extra precautions:

  • Stock up on supplies such as medicine and groceries.
  • Avoid going out of the home even for essential activities: try to have someone shop for you, for example.
  • NEVER go out without a mask.
We will continue to keep you informed of any new developments that impact your care, your health, and our work. If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, we are always here for you—just reach out to us at 415.339.8813.


Las Clínicas de Petaluma y Rohnert Park, están coordinando sus esfuerzos con funcionarios locales, del condado y estatales. Estamos examinando a todos los pacientes que llaman o entran a nuestros sitios con síntomas respiratorios, incluyendo tos y dificultad para respirar, y a personas que han sido expuestas al coronavius (también llamado COVID-19). Todos los pacientes con síntomas respiratorios están siendo atendidos por un equipo médico en nuestra clínica de Marin City. Por favor, ayúdenos a proteger la salud de nuestros empleados y comunidad. Es importante seguir con todos los procedimientos de detección y aislamiento. Desafortunadamente no tenemos pruebas para pacientes con síntomas de Coronavirus. Llame al Marin Departemente de Salud, 415-473-7191, entre lunes a viernes, 9:30AM–12:00PM y 1:00–5:00PM. Lávese las manos con frecuencia con agua caliente y jabón durante 20 segundos (la duración de la canción de feliz cumpleaños); esta es la mejor manera de controlar la transmisión, especialmente: • Antes de comer; • Después de ir al baño; • Después de sonarse la nariz, toser o estornudar. Si no hay agua y jabón disponibles, use un desinfectante para manos a base de alcohol con al menos 60% de alcohol. Quédese en casa excepto por actividades esenciales. Distanciamiento social. Manténgase a seis pies o más lejos de los demás. Cuando sea necesario salir, use una máscara u otra cara que cubra su nariz y boca. Evite tocarse la cara (boca, ojos, nariz). Evitar el contacto cercano con personas que están enfermas. Quédese en casa lejos de todos (incluidos los miembros de la familia) si se siente enfermo o si ha estado expuesto recientemente a alguien que está enfermo o ha viajado a un área geográfica con una transmisión comunitaria generalizada o sostenida. Si está enfermo o expuesto a alguien que está enfermo, llámenos al 415.339.8813 para conocer las opciones de prueba del condado. La mayoría de las infecciones virales (incluida la gripe y el COVID) se resuelven solas con una ingesta adecuada de líquidos, descanso y control de la fiebre. No existe un tratamiento específico para COVID-19. No venga a la clínica sin una cita: puede poner a otros en riesgo.  
Filed under: Free services, Marin City Clinic, Media, Research, Seniors, SF Bayview Hunters PointTagged with: , , ,