Free Cervical (Pap) Screening
On August 19 or September 27 get a free pap smear and HPV test, which can detect abnormal cells and help with cancer prevention. Experience a relaxing and essential visit to our Women’s Health Center with a serene atmosphere that includes flowers, candles, and gentle music during your cervical screening appointment.
As a reward, you’ll receive a $20 gift card!
Event Dates & Locations
Mon, Aug 19 | 8 a.m.–5 p.m. MCHWC San Rafael Women’s Health Center 880 Las Gallinas Ave, Ste 2, San Rafael, CA 94903
Fri, Sep 27 | 10:30 a.m.–4 p.m. Marin City Health and Wellness Center 100 Phillips Dr,
Pap and HPV Tests
A Pap (short for Papanicolaou) smear can detect potentially precancerous or cancerous cells. An HPV test can detect the common human papillomavirus, which is passed via skin-to-skin contact. It usually goes away on its own, but, if not it can cause genital warts or, less commonly, lead to cancer. HPV is the main cause of cervical cancer.
Timeline Guidelines
When it comes to who should be tested and at what age, we support the recommendations of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force; however, it is always important to consult with your doctor.
• Women ages 21 to 29: It’s recommended that your first Pap smear happen at age 21, whether or not you are sexually active (however, it is never too late to start getting screened). If your first Pap smear results are normal, you can wait three years till your next test.
• Women ages 30 to 65: continue having a Pap test every three years, or every five years if you also get the HPV test.
• Women 65 and older: If you have a history of normal Pap smears, you can usually stop getting screened.
• If you have had a full hysterectomy you can stop getting screened.
Schedule your FREE screening today! Call (415) 339-8813.